Azusa Pacific University partners with Stellic to improve retention, advising, and the student experience

As part of their strategic vision to improve retention and ensure students thrive every semester, Azusa Pacific University has adopted Stellic -- a system that will engage students in their academic journey and bring all campus support units together in order to best serve their students.

“I’ve been at APU for 24 years and have been involved in bringing many different solutions to campus. This is the first time I’ve seen 100% agreement across all departments (registrar, leadership, faculty, IT, advising, etc.), fully endorsing bringing Stellic to APU.” - Brian Mercer, Director of Academic Business Systems, Azusa Pacific University

Azusa Pacific knew they needed to invest in technology that could keep up with the needs and expectations of their student body. During their search for a retention solution, APU soon realized Stellic could not only engage students in the degree planning experience, but it could also handle student concerns, enhance cross-departmental case management, and streamline appointment scheduling. As a result, advisors will able to dedicate more time to valuable mentorship and strategic outreach towards students who may need more attention.

With degree progress at the core of Stellic’s platform, students at Azusa Pacific will see the impacts of dropping certain courses on time to completion, explore pathways that encompass career goals and curricular experiences, and request exceptions or substitutions for approval. As students actively plan ahead, APU’s leadership can better understand which courses are most popular within certain majors and where faculty are needed the most. Through real-time, customizable reports, advisors can easily track changes in student progress, organize notes and appointments on student cohorts, and get notified should any student fall off track. 

The collaborative use of Stellic between all stakeholders on campus will ensure each student has access to both the tools and the people needed to successfully manage their path at APU. With one system for tracking, advising, and degree management, Azusa Pacific will improve retention, on-time completion rates, and ultimately ensure better student satisfaction for future classes to come.

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